Saturday 30 January 2010

Formspring Replies

I Think I Am A Bad Person -
The irony is, almost ever person who convince there selves they are bad people, aren't ba at all. The most likely reason that you are feeling this way is because you have been bullied or abused, which is a horrible thing to go through. What I would suggest is write everything you think is your fault down, and go through it. 99% of the time you are blaming yourselve for things behond your control, but when we keep tings inside our heads they can get very confused and mixed up, so seeing them can help you realise it really isn't your fault.

I used to cut. I think I'm gonna start again. What can I do to make myself not wanna cut?
The horrible thing is self harm is always a struggle. The easiest way to stay off self harming is to realise what makes you want to. Think and try to figure out what has happened recently that has made you want to self harm. Self harm is a form of punishment that you inflict on yourself, or a way to release built up anger. Either way it is about feeling bad about yourself. You need to find some other way to express these emotions. Writing, Creative arts and Sport can all help. But if you have someone you can talk to, or just get a hug from, that is always the best way. But I know most people who self harm find it hard to trust, so try to find some way to express yourself without self harm.

Friday 22 January 2010

The Real SA Club

Hello all members, old and new. First, thanks for reading! It does mean a lot. Second, since we have so many new members, I thought I would just go over a few things so that everyone knows what is what ;D

I try and do as many Hot Spot Topics as I can, which will either contain News or Excercise. Also visit the previous topics, espeicially the Support Groups. These come under the names of the subject of the support group, such as the topic Eating Disorders is a topic to discuss and support people going through eating disorders.
But we recently decided to also have fun or lighthearted topics. Not games, just things like the Good News topic, to discuss good things going on in your life. Members can make these topics themselves if they wish, and if I really like one I will maybe make it Hot Spot. But any pointless games will be deleted, since a few members got annoyed last time we had 'Games', and we want SA to be helpful for all.


Managers are chosen by me and only me, so PLEASE don't ask ;D There are currently no managers, and I will be picking people I see replying to topics and starting there own, and those who show a lot of enthusiam for SA. Managers are going to become a much bigger part of disicion making in SA, so I will be taking my time to pick only the best!

As well as replying to topics and support groups, you can also start your own topic if you need help. But unfotunately not enough members are active at the moment for the advice to be as quick as I would like, so if you need urgent advice you can always mail me ;D

Yes we are trying for covergirl, and we really do want to thank everyone who votes. But we will not beg nor bribe. If you think we deserve, vote. If not, don't. Simple. But please please please please please PLEASE don't hate! If you have nothing nice to say to us, don't say it at all ;D

Yes, we have a few rules.
-ABSOLUTELY no bullying.
-If you are going to swear, please think put a < > around it so it dopesn't show up, cause a few members have complained.
-No gossiping. Eg, no making topics saying 'I heard someone in my class self harms which is sooooo weird', ect. I don't think I have to say how offensive, hurtful and immature it is ;D
-Please put TRIGGER in front of a post if you think it may make feel someone feel depressed or unhappy, just to warn people who don't want to feel that way.
-Please don't refer to other people as 'fat' 'a freak' 'anorexic', ect. Eg, don't make a topic saying 'There is this girl in my class who is a fat freak', ect. Again, hurtful and immature.

Thanks for reading this, whoever did! It means a lot, and I hope you will enoy being part of TheRealSA!!!
Mack x

TheRealSA (Account)
TheRealSA (Club)

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Dear Mum.

Sorry, I should have mentioned before this may be a trigger

I hate you. I hate everything you have done to me. I hate the fact that everyone just lets you away with it because you are ‘***’. We should all forgive **** because her mum, dad, sister and brother are dead. But why should I? It’s not my fault any of that crappy stuff happened. So why should I just ignore it when you say the most horrible, crushing things? Why can’t I fight back, without getting a lecture. I hate it. I hate school. It’s hard, and it hurts. It hurts because I know how bad I am doing. This time last year I was supposedly getting all ones in my prelims, and now I seem to be failing everything. I HATE it. I hate that I can’t figure out what is wrong with me. I know there is something that I need to change but I don’t know what. I feel so confused. It’s like I think I know exactly what’s happening, and then other people manage to confuse me and make me think what they think. I don’t know if I’m the bad guy or not. Maybe I do deserve it. I don’t know. It’s too hard to deal with everything all at the same time. It just hurts all the time, and I’m tired of it. I don’t have energy for anything anymore. I don’t write at all, I barely draw, I don’t want to go to drama, and I hate school. There is no break. I thought it was getting better with the whole friends thing, but then they just back stab me like everyone else. And I just can’t keep forgiving everyone all the time and pretending it’s okay. Because it isn’t fucking ok. What is so hard about not slagging your own daughter off? Why is that so fucking difficult? I feel so alone. I feel like there is nothing to hold on to anymore. Like there is no reason to try. I want to believe everything happens for a reason, but it’s getting harder to do that. I don’t know why any of this would happen. Why anyone would do this to people. The only reason that keeps coming back to me is that I deserve it. That I have done something wrong and this is what I get. I don’t understand. I’m scared of becoming you. I don’t want to be you, I don’t want to be anything like you. I don’t want to be selfish, or nasty, or ungrateful. But according to *** I am. Apparently I should be the one who is ashamed. But I shouldn’t. I haven’t done anything to deserve this. I haven’t. If you didn’t want to be a mum, you shouldn’t have had me. It’s pretty simple. What did you expect? For a kid who just sits quiet for their whole life. Well, I’m sorry but that isn’t who I am. I won’t let people just do what they like and not say that they shouldn’t do it. That’s who I want to be. I want to be someone who says what they think, who is independent, who is loyal. I know I’m needy. And that probably won’t change. But why is that I bad thing? Why is it bad to need something to believe in? I need you, but I know I never will have you. You won’t change. So I have to. I have to learn to find comfort in something else that isn’t food, pain or you. I need to feel better about myself. I need to stop being so scared of getting hurt. I need to get past you. Because if I don’t I will be just like *** and dad. I will just be another person telling you it’s okay, when the truth is you are a selfish, nasty, bitter person. And I deserve to be more than that. I won’t be another person to feed your need for attention. I won’t do it. I can’t do it. It hurts me to much. I need to be selfish. I need to do what is right for me, not what is right for everyone else. And it’s terrifying. I don’t know how to make decisions on my own. If I do know, I don’t know that I know. I can’t even pick a random number without feeling like I’m about to have a panic attack. And that’s because I have always made decisions based on what other people want me to do. I can’t do that anymore. I have to do what I want to do. I just don’t know what that is.
I need you with everything I have, but you’re not good for me. I need to know what it is like to be without everyone else. I need to shut off what other people need. This is the most important school year of my life so far, and I have to give myself a chance. I deserve that.
Written by me at 14 years of age

(My Mum, Aunts and Dads names are starred out for safety reasons)

Monday 4 January 2010

Idea Place (Thinking of better name ;D)

Hey everyone!
I don't think I have ever told either of the clubs this, but over the past few months I have had thousands of people wanting to 'Partner' with Suicide Awareness. Not only that, but people with new ideas, sponsers... All that jazz. And because II am so busy with the people who need helo in SA, I never really get a chance to think those ideas through, talk with the people who give them or ask for second opinons. So I thought, WhyDontWeThink is about thinking, (Kinda), so why don't I ask you guys?

I won't post every idea I get here, as I get too many. But I will start asking you guys about the ones that seem to hav been thought through, and the people seem to really care about the project.

The most recent idea that was sent to me was about start a TheRealDA, aka Depression Awareness. Of course, the person who sent the idea wanted to be a big part of it, and I'm not sure whether I am ready to work with someone on this project yet, since it does mean a lot to me, and I can get a little... moody, angry, unfair, when I am working on something that I care a lot about.

What do you guys think about this?

We're back....

Well hello!
First, I know I haven't posted here in FOREVER. But I have been trying to keep the club and account as active as possible, and with my own account, my own clubs, co-owning a magazine, and real life shit, I really haven't had the time. I still don't, tbh. But I want to try. I can't believe we have 30 followers! I am so grateful to everyone who follows, it does mean alot!

How are you all?

More is coming tonight.
Love Mack x